Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I am so behind in everything I need twenty-four hours of free time while the world is frozen an does nothing. Wouldn't that be something........ the whole world suspended in time while I caught up on school work, cleaned my room, did my laundry, and practiced my piano lessons. Yep, that would be amazing. Though knowing how tired I've been, I may spend the majority of that twenty-four hour time period sleeping..........
OK, so I'm not THAT far behind. I did my memorization for English, and my homework as well. I do have some more homework and studying for other classes on Thursday and next Monday. Seriously though, I haven't looked at my piano lessons since my last lesson. The plan is to practice tomorrow in my free time, which is only like an hour if I can find a piano that isn't being used. I also need to transpose a song for Sunday morning service, and pack for house sitting next week. The good news is that I did get to see my boyfriend tonight! YEAH!!!! That always helps when I am feeling down. :)
Full day ahead tomorrow, and the rest of the week........
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
*this is how I feel!

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