OK, so the video rally. Our college president always comes up with the craziest things for us to do for video rallies. He prints out a list for us, splits us into two teams, gives us a video camera, and gives us a time to return. We usually get an hour or so to do as many things as we can. So, he has a list of things that are worth fifty points and some things that are worth one hundred points.
The first thing my team did was go for the bonus points. There is a preacher in our area that is one of our favorites, we had to visit his church to get one hundred points. If we got a video of us visiting the church, and each person shaking his hand we got an extra fifty bonus points. So once we did that we found one of the buses and got in it. Quick side note on some of the rules; we could not film more than two things at one location, and we had to obey all traffic and civil laws. I know, I know, that is not fun, but it is safer that way. Okay back to the bus, we had to sing a song called "Hey Bus Driver!" on a bus; and that was our two things for that location. The next thing we did was find a White Castle; now none of us like this particular restaurant much, and our president knows that, so we had to film three of us biting a burger at the same time. Gross! So the next thing we did next door was roll down a hill like logs; thankfully I was behind the camera and I didn't have to roll down the hill. :)
Oh, I forgot the worst thing we did, and we did it first to get it over with. We filmed our first 'task' in my car, we had to all, and I mean all, chew the same piece of gum. No ripping and tearing, the same exact piece. Believe it or not, I think the White Castle burger was worse.......
So, next we went to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone, a cup of water, and play patty-cake. Yes, three of us had to play patty-cake at McDonald's. It was kind of fun, and I love when people stare, it makes it even better. Oh wait, I forgot one, at White Castle one of the guys had to give a random stranger some flowers and sing part of "You Are My Sunshine", that was epic, so, so, epic. So next we filmed three of us sharing an ice cream cone in the car. After we found a lumber store, and three people did planks with the planks (hahaha), we made a mud puddle with the cup of water, and acted like ducks around the puddle. :)
We rushed back to the college, and went to the gym around the corner to do muscle man poses out front. Back at the school we swung on some swings while singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", and three people climbed a tree eight feet off the ground. We made it back with a minute to spare, and we actually won. We had the most points and we had the best videos by far.
So that was our amazing day, and it was loads of fun! Have a happy Monday!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.