Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It has been extremely crazy around here. There is literally no food in my house. The only food is a pizza my dad graciously got for us, because there was no food. We were supposed to fully move today, but the rain, and my sister's headache hindered that. Oh, well.
Today we had a graveside service for my cousin's little baby. It is such a tragic story; she was due in two weeks, but the umbilical chord got noted  up and suffocated her. Precious Savannah Joy was so beautiful, and looked just like her mom. Pray for comfort for the parents and the other siblings.
Another big day tomorrow, and I need my rest.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
~In Loving Memory Of Savannah Joy~

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Well, it has been an extremely busy weekend. Yesterday, I went on a hayride to get pumpkins with my boyfriend's family, since his brother was in town. We had a blast picking out the perfect pumpkins, and getting them back to the house. Thankfully, we were right next door to the pumpkin patch. :) I am not the most creative pumpkin carver; I have never really had time, or thought deeply about carving pumpkins, but let me tell you, his family gets into it. His brother who was in town carved the Detroit Tigers 'D' into his pumpkin, and it looks amazing. They also did a Thomas the train pumpkin for his nephews. My pumpkin is a plain looking heart; I am soooo creative. (NOT!)
I'll have to think of something amazing for next year.
So yesterday I also had a college function in the evening. We went to another church, and helped out with a teen activity. It was a blast, and I came home with lots of candy and a two-liter of Code Red Mountain Dew, which is by far, the best pop ever. The ride to the activity was quite interesting though...... lets just say, when State fans and Michigan fans ride together in a van, fights may be possible.
So I am sooooo excited that my dad and sister are finally home from up north. It is good to have them back, and now we can finish moving into our new house. This week we plan to move in completely, but we will see how everything goes.
Today my whole family went to see my boyfriend's brother because he had to leave today. It is really nice to spend some time with him, because we only see him once or twice a year now. :( He is really a great guy, and I can't wait for him to find a special someone who will appreciate how great he is.
Be appreciative of all that our military does, and support them. They are fighting daily for the small freedoms and privileges that we take for granted.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Well, mid-terms are over!!!!! I am so happy, it is finally over; I did well on all of my test, and I feel pretty confident about my paper as well. So it has been crazy busy around here with the moving, school, and work.
Great news! My boyfriend's brother who is in the army came home from North Carolina today. He really wanted to see the World Series Game, so he, my boyfriend, their brother, and dad are going to the game tomorrow night. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity,and I am so excited for them.
Go Tigers!!!!!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I think I am officially over this illness. My nose still runs away from me at times, but I feel tons better. It would help though if I got maybe 24 hours of solid sleep. :)

Last Friday, we found out that a missionary from our church died from malaria. She and her husband just left for Zambia in May of this year. They did a great work there, and everyone called her "mother". She was such a sweet lady, and will be missed greatly; but I know I will see her again someday. Her husband is planning to continue on in Africa to minister to the people after he recovers from malaria also.

I am sooooooooooooooo excited for the World Series!!!! Go Tigers! I really think we have a shot this year. We haven't won the World Series in twenty five years, and this is our year.

Totally unrelated side note, have you ever played "Banana-grams" ? Check it out; it is so amazing. I have played it before, but my amazing boyfriend bought it for me for Sweetest Day, and I am soooo happy. 

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Well, my day off work, didn't really get me out of work. After I got out of school, and finished my piano lessons, I went to our ACE school to help with some of the book reports. I enjoy English, and I need the practice. Of course, once I got home, my mom put me to work packing. We did fill up the Tahoe and took everything to the new house. One of mom's friends came over and we got everything unpacked and put away.
I also got some adorable curtains for my room. :) They are turquoise and sheer, and they are going to match my quilt perfectly. I love decorating so much!!!!! I can't wait to do the rest of the house.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Six years ago today was one of the happiest days of my life. It was the day my amazing boyfriend became my amazing boyfriend. Happy Anniversary sweetheart!
Today was pretty relaxing; mom and I did go over to the new house to unpack some more things. We also ate out at a Chinese restaurant which was amazing! I am absolutely in love with won ton soup, so, so much in love. I could eat it every day!
On a side note, I don't have to go to work tomorrow night, and I am so excited. Unfortunately, I don't have to go to work, but my mom is putting me to work at the house. YEAH! (not) Oh, well, I'll get over it.
Happy Monday!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Sweetest Day!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. This morning I got up and worked on my cake for the auction, and started my salad for the pig roast. The cake took a while because I like to freeze it between frosting. It also helps if I make a mistake, it comes off easier.
The pig roast was good, It wasn't to cold, and the fire helped. We had our cake auction, and my boyfriend embarrassed me by buying my cake. I love him for it though, he is the best in the whole world. :)
Our dinner with friends went well also. Mexican food is one of my favorites!! I am about to go get some of my leftovers right now, I am sooo hungry.
Have a great rest of your weekend.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
*here is a pic of the finished product!

Friday, October 19, 2012

WHOOOO!! It's Friday. And now, it is over. :( I had a great day today, even though my head still feels like a balloon. After bells, and collegiate this morning, I did some running around; got my boyfriend's sweetest day gift, and got the dishes done. I also started on my mid-term paper. Yay. I usually procrastinate a lot longer than this seeing it is due next Thursday. I have actually had the subject decided for a couple of weeks, and have already written the introductory paragraph, which always seems the hardest for me.
Anyways, I got to see my boyfriend's amazing nephews, and a few other friends. We had a bonfire and hayride, though it got kind of rainy and cold towards the end of the hayride. I also made my cake and cupcakes for tomorrow; they are now in the freezer and will be cooling all night, along with my orange frosting that is in the refrigerator. I am not going to totally give away my idea yet, but it is coming along. I still have to make a salad for tomorrow also. So much to do!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and a happy Sweetest Day.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

So the sickness has eased up a bit. Thankfully. I made it through school and work today, and my head feels like a balloon. :) Hopefully it will all go away very soon.
I have a very busy, but fun weekend ahead. Tomorrow morning we have our collegiate competition; after that I have to stop at the bank and a few stores. Tomorrow night, I am going to my boyfriend's house, to hang out and see his nephews. It has been so long since I have seen them, I am so excited. When I get home Friday night, I have to make a cake and cupcakes; I am making an awesome cake for a cake auction on Saturday. I would tell you about it, but I might change my mind between now and then. So, Saturday morning I am going to decorate my cake and cupcakes, and then take them to our church's pig roast. YUM!!! I love BBQ pig. Then, Saturday night I am going out to eat with my boyfriend and another couple for Sweetest Day. And Sunday is my six year anniversary with my amazing boyfriend!!!!! An amazing six glorious years. (Sigh) Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

 Exhausted. Sick. Cranky. Those three words pretty much sum up how I feel right now. I have been pretty miserable all day, and I am in desperate need of sleep.
Go Tigers!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So, it is like thirty degrees here and I am eating a popsicle. No, I am not crazy; my throat has been hurting today so I am trying very hard to relieve it. Water, clearing my throat, and even cough drops are not helping. I am truly hoping that I am not sick, and that it is just some wierd thing.
So my day was better than yesterday, no pop quizes just a pop recording session. I found out this morning that I needed to record some songs today that I haven't even looked at yet.Yikes!! I did get three of them recorded but I do have two more to do on Friday.
Now, I am relaxing and watching a Halmark movie with my mom. Love, love, love Halmark movies! Nothing better. :)
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Every bad day can be made better by a mint Oreo blizzard. Trust me, I know. It wasn't a horrible day, just a semi-horrible day. Of course, seeing my boyfriend made it even better too. (Love you honey!) Many good things did happen today though; I got to go to the gym for the first time in a month or two. I know, I should go more, but I have been soooooo busy. I also finished all of my homework, so that is a plus.
Tomorrow is another busy day, but not extremely busy; I don't have to get up as early and that is AWESOME! I love my sleep sooo much. :) Speaking of sleep, I should probably get some, so I am in a good mood tomorrow.......
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Video Rally

OK, so the video rally. Our college president always comes up with the craziest things for us to do for video rallies. He prints out a list for us, splits us into two teams, gives us a video camera, and gives us a time to return. We usually get an hour or so to do as many things as we can. So, he has a list of things that are worth fifty points and some things that are worth one hundred points.
The first thing my team did was go for the bonus points. There is a preacher in our area that is one of our favorites, we had to visit his church to get one hundred points. If we got a video of us visiting the church, and each person shaking his hand we got an extra fifty bonus points. So once we did that we found one of the buses and got in it. Quick side note on some of the rules; we could not film more than two things at one location, and we had to obey all traffic and civil laws. I know, I know, that is not fun, but it is safer that way. Okay back to the bus, we had to sing a song called "Hey Bus Driver!" on a bus; and that was our two things for that location. The next thing we did was find a White Castle; now none of us like this particular restaurant much, and our president knows that, so we had to film three of us biting a burger at the same time. Gross! So the next thing we did next door was roll down a hill like logs; thankfully I was behind the camera and I didn't have to roll down the hill. :)
Oh, I forgot the worst thing we did, and we did it first to get it over with. We filmed our first 'task' in my car, we had to all, and I mean all, chew the same piece of gum. No ripping and tearing, the same exact piece. Believe it or not, I think the White Castle burger was worse.......
So, next we went to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone, a cup of water, and play patty-cake. Yes, three of us had to play patty-cake at McDonald's. It was kind of fun, and I love when people stare, it makes it even better. Oh wait, I forgot one, at White Castle one of the guys had to give a random stranger some flowers and sing part of "You Are My Sunshine", that was epic, so, so, epic. So next we filmed three of us sharing an ice cream cone in the car. After we found a lumber store, and three people did planks with the planks (hahaha), we made a mud puddle with the cup of water, and acted like ducks around the puddle. :)
We rushed back to the college, and went to the gym around the corner to do muscle man poses out front. Back at the school we swung on some swings while singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", and three people climbed a tree eight feet off the ground. We made it back with a minute to spare, and we actually won. We had the most points and we had the best videos by far.
So that was our amazing day, and it was loads of fun! Have a happy Monday!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

100th post!!!!!!!!! I was going to think up something awesome and elaborate to write about, but moving is keeping me extremely busy. My day has again ended with exhaustion and the need for more sleep. I did get some things accomplished though: I got a debit card this morning, I put together my new bookshelf (which even with my boyfriend's help, took forever; nothing was labeled!), and I measured and mapped out my room so I can figure out where everything will fit.
My dad and sister leave for up north tomorrow, so it will be just me and mom for a week. Mom is supposed to go up at the end of the week, but she hasn't decided if she is going yet. Again, I will go into the details about the video rally, hopefully, tomorrow. I really, REALLY, need to go to bed right now.
Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Friday, October 12, 2012

It has been a long, long day. I really need sleep, so I am going to keep this short. The collegiate video rally was AMAZING! I will definitely go into detail what we did tomorrow; I am just to exhausted to think right now. The girls came over and helped pack some stuff; and we took it all over to the new house. Once we got everything in, we ate some awesome pizza and watched the Avengers. I absolutely loved that movie, It was amazing. I am sooooo going to watch it again tomorrow!!!!
Sleep time...........
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another day, another dollar, and another fifty million things to do. I have sooooo much packing to get done, that I have called in the reinforcements........ College Girls. Some of the girls from my college are coming over tomorrow for a packing party; they are going to help pack and I am going to feed them. Honestly, I am probably getting the better end of the deal. It is going to be a blast! Tomorrow just looks like it will be amazing; video rally for collegiate, packing party, and maybe watching the Avengers. SWEET! To top it all off with a cherry, bells was cancelled for tomorrow, so I don't have to be at the school until nine. :) And I get to see my amazing boyfriend; what could be better???? The answer: NOTHING! Well, I guess there are some more things I could wish for, but that is another story all together.
Have a great weekend!!!!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
*hopefully the results of our packing party will look like this.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It has been sooooo long! The last couple of days have flown by in a whirlwind. Picture my already crazy schedule mixed with the moving process and a two day trip with the college and you have the last few days of my life. So, the college trip went well; everyone behaved and nobody was thrown in jail. :) HA-HA. When you are in a town with probably half-a-dozen prisons or more, that is quite a feat. Anyways, the singing and playing of bells went well, and we were rewarded with food and no bell practice at seven thirty this morning. Trust me, there were some VERY happy people because of that last reward. I had a blast and was asked several times to move down there and be the piano player. I guess when you need a piano player you NEED a piano player.
So today, being my longest day, was somewhat shortened and I didn't have to get up until eight this morning. HALLELUJAH! Which brings me to the reason it was only somewhat shortened. I started practice for our local bi-annual production of Handel's Messiah. It was so much fun; totally overwhelming, but so, so much fun. The practice is from eight thirty to ten, so I will be gone from 7am until 10:30pm on most Wednesdays, with a short hour or two at home for dinner. FUN STUFF!
Well, it's that time, and I really need some sleep if I am going to attempt to make it through work tomorrow night.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Just finished packing for my short trip tomorrow. I am so excited to hang out with my college pals and meet some new people. :) Tomorrow will be long though, seven to two and then a two hour drive at three thirty. Fun Stuff!!!!!
Hope you all had a great weekend, I sure did.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wow! The last two days have gone by in a blur. On Thursday night, my parents signed on our new house, and I got to see it for the first time. We have been looking for a new place for a while, and I am glad we found one before Christmas. Christmas is crazy with all the party planning, concerts, work, and spending time with friends and family; who wants to move in the midst of all of that?

Anyways, so that was Thursday night, Friday morning was our college trip to the cider mill and it was great. Our college president bought us all cider and donuts, so I did get my cinnamon sugar covered one, and I was very happy. :) After the cider mill, some of us went out to lunch at a coney place by the school. We always have fun when we go out, but it is even better when food is involved. After lunch I went to my church's school, and did the bulletin board for October. I hadn't had time yet, so I was trying to finish up before November hit. I had it planned for a while, it just took some time to get it all together and get it done. It turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself. So we went back to our new house Friday night with my boyfriend and grandma and they got to see everything; even though the house itself is a bit smaller than our current house, we are getting a garage and a basement which we don't have now.
So this morning, I helped pack my dad's pickup and my mom's Tahoe full of boxes so they could take them to the house. Funny how it seems that two car loads didn't put a dent in the amount of stuff we have; you can't even tell we are missing things. Anyways, my sister had a jewelry party in the afternoon, so we did that and then packed up more boxes, and headed to Big Lots to get a small book shelf that I wanted. Needless to say, it took me at least two hours to put that stupid thing together, and nobody would help me. So we finally got home, everyone showered, we watched some television, and now everyone, but me, is in bed. I do actually need to be in bed, so that is where I am heading. Have a wonderful weekend.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
*here is the board; the apples have pictures of all the students :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Donuts!!! A former student from our college brought us donuts today in our 8:30am class. She is my new hero! (Only because I didn't eat before I left the house.) Sweets just make everything better, don't they??? My donut did have chocolate on top of course, and it was A-mazing.
I am soooo excited for tomorrow! Our collegiate activity is a trip to a cider mill, and if there is one thing that is almost as necessary for my life as my boyfriend, chocolate, and ranch dressing, it is cider. I just loooooveeeee cider! Unfortunately, because of the hot summer, there aren't as many apples and the cider prices are outrageous. I may get some tomorrow anyway, because I haven't had any all year; and of course I am soooo getting some of those cinnamon sugar donuts. I mean really, when your mom and sister go to a cider mill, and only bring back plain, boring donuts, you get really ticked. Especially when they know you love cinnamon sugar donuts. No, it wasn't that big of a deal, I just like to bug them; I love them both very much. :)
I get to sleep in tomorrow, so I am going to take advantage of some extra sleep time!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Wednesday!!!! I had a good day, and managed to stay awake through it all. (Surprisingly) I also got some laundry done, which is great since I don't have any clothes left. :) OK, I do have some clothes left, but not my basics that I use every week. I also have to pack for a short trip next week, so thankfully I will not be doing laundry Sunday night right before I leave. My college ensemble group is going to our National Alumni Conference along with the ladies, men's and bell groups. I have to be their for all four, so I will be gone Monday and Tuesday. It is nice to get away for even a day or two every once in a while; especially when you are getting away from school......
Well, I am going to watch the latest Piano Guys video, and then go to bed.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sleep is closing in; and I am gladly reaching for it. I had a good day; long, but good. Work wasn't terribly stressful, but some things just happen every once in a while. I did get to see my boyfriend, so that was AMAZING as always. (Love you honey!) I am so excited that the Tigers are going to the playoffs!!! GO TIGERS!!!! Hopefully this will be our year for the World Series Championship.
Long day again tomorrow, but chocolate, and a few other things, will get me through. :)
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I am finally sitting down and relaxing. :) I also just ate so that helps my mood tremendously. I did go bowling tonight, but I only bowled one game; I was really tired and my thumb was hurting.:(  So now I am home on the couch watching my favorite series of all time....... Once Upon A Time. Wow, when it came out last year I got so addicted and I love it. Now that the new series is out I have it recorded on my television and I can watch it when I have the time, which seems to be never.
So now that I have eaten am watching my favorite show, I think I am going to get some ice cream. Sound good????? 
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.