Sunday, October 28, 2012

Well, it has been an extremely busy weekend. Yesterday, I went on a hayride to get pumpkins with my boyfriend's family, since his brother was in town. We had a blast picking out the perfect pumpkins, and getting them back to the house. Thankfully, we were right next door to the pumpkin patch. :) I am not the most creative pumpkin carver; I have never really had time, or thought deeply about carving pumpkins, but let me tell you, his family gets into it. His brother who was in town carved the Detroit Tigers 'D' into his pumpkin, and it looks amazing. They also did a Thomas the train pumpkin for his nephews. My pumpkin is a plain looking heart; I am soooo creative. (NOT!)
I'll have to think of something amazing for next year.
So yesterday I also had a college function in the evening. We went to another church, and helped out with a teen activity. It was a blast, and I came home with lots of candy and a two-liter of Code Red Mountain Dew, which is by far, the best pop ever. The ride to the activity was quite interesting though...... lets just say, when State fans and Michigan fans ride together in a van, fights may be possible.
So I am sooooo excited that my dad and sister are finally home from up north. It is good to have them back, and now we can finish moving into our new house. This week we plan to move in completely, but we will see how everything goes.
Today my whole family went to see my boyfriend's brother because he had to leave today. It is really nice to spend some time with him, because we only see him once or twice a year now. :( He is really a great guy, and I can't wait for him to find a special someone who will appreciate how great he is.
Be appreciative of all that our military does, and support them. They are fighting daily for the small freedoms and privileges that we take for granted.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B. 

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