Friday, January 4, 2013

Well, the first week of 2013 is almost over. That went quickly...... My day was another busy one with an eight hour shift at work, but I had lots of fun. We had a new teacher come in and meet some of the students, and it was kind of cool not being the new person, but being asked to show her around and help her out with any questions she had. I felt very appreciated, and I have been feeling that a lot lately. I don't know if I am just the only one who does things they are asked, or if people are just using me for grunt work, but it seems every time I turn around, the boss has more projects he wants me to work on. I am not complaining in the least, I enjoy learning new things, and ingraining myself more in the company.
Next week I am going to be trained in a new aspect of the business, and I have been asked to work our half off warehouse sale next weekend. I don't know much of what I will be doing, but I get my own user name and password in the software program we use to keep track of leads and purchases, so I'm pretty excited. :) It will be a crazy week though, and my last before school starts again. Yikes, time has flown by this holiday season.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend; I am going to get to hang out with a great friend tomorrow so I am very excited.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
*so I was cleaning some pianos today (grunt work) and I have totally fallen in love with this cherry red baldwin we have in the front window. seriously, it is gorgeous, and not a bad price either. this is when I wish I was related to bill gates or donald trump :)

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