Saturday, June 30, 2012

Along with being a major chocoholic, I am also a sappy romantic. (sigh) So one movie I have been DYING to see is "The Vow" with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Well, I just watched it and it was AWESOME!!!!! (I didn't cry, but it was close.) Now I just need someone to play chocolate Russian roulette with....... any takers??????

I also have a strange addiction to fashion scarves; and today I got an amazing deal at Charming Charlie's. Buy one scarf get two free! Can it get any better than that???? Maybe if there was free chocolate involved it would be better:)

Time to find some food, and work off the fudge pop I just ate.........

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Wow! Today was a crazy day, and I really needed chocolate. Unfortunately, there is no chocolate in the house :(  Unless you count the chocolate chips in the fridge..... my big toe got a beating today; stubbed twice and ran over by a vacuum. YEAH! (NOT)

Anyways..... for those with air conditioning, be thankful that you don't suffer like the rest of us. It hit 100 degrees yesterday and was almost as hot today. Thankfully I know a person with a pool!

Well, I am going to finish watching a Hallmark movie with my mom, and hopefully find some chocolate somewhere!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Is there anything sweeter than chocolate?? (Well, except for my amazing other half!) Chocolate cures everything; it really does. If you are happy, chocolate can make you happier. :) If you are sad, chocolate makes you feel better. The best part about chocolate is...... no one makes me share with them! I guess people have figured out by now that I love my chocolate and if you touch it you die. Of course, I never tell them that.... well if I do, I am very sweet about it. :) See, even talking about chocolate makes me a sweeter person.

There is one tiny problem with chocolate. (Besides the fact that it is addicting.) That problem is......... I would do almost ANYTHING for chocolate. Ok, I wouldn't jump off a bridge, I promise, but there isn't much that I wouldn't do for a piece of chocolaty goodness that melts in your mouth, slides down your throat, and makes all things bad, better. Well, now that I am craving chocolate, I better get some before my mom finds it........

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.