Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So............ I know you have been waiting for this............ I'M GETTING MY INTERNET BACK!!!!! Saturday is the day, and I will no longer have to scrounge for free time at some body's computer with their amazing Internet access capabilities. I am sooooo thankful for Internet, and chocolate, and my boyfriend, and Pintrest, and Christmas! 

This is totally the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! I've already started to decorate and drive my parents crazy with the tons and tons of decorations at the new house. I think every surface in the kitchen, living room, and dinning room has some type of Christmas decoration adorning it. :) I even decorated some downstairs. The thing my family really doesn't like when it comes to holidays is my obsession with one, very awesome, easy, DIY decoration.......... PAPER CHAINS! I just love them to death, and I can't help it! :) So "my" part of the basement has a beautiful red and green paper chain that just makes you feel like Christmas. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with paper chains!!!!

On a side note, everyone at school is teasing me and I am telling on them! Ha, OK I'm not really telling on them, I just said that to get your attention. My amazing, wonderful boyfriend whom I love dearly, did something that I wasn't very happy about; and I made the mistake of telling my friends. OK, here it is....... he watched BRAVE without me. I know it doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but when you love movies and you are a red-head, it is a big deal! Now, practically everyone at school has seen it and subsequently posted on Facebook....... "Watching BRAVE without April !" So not cool! I am going to get to watch it next Monday, and I am very excited. :)

Well, I should probably get back to work!!!!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

So.................... Yes, we still don't have Internet, No, I haven't hurt anyone yet. I'm close. Life has been crazy this last week with work, school, and everything else. I am so excited for Christmas though. I can't wait for all my concerts to start. I will be singing Messiah with a large group and orchestra on November 30th and December 2nd. My student piano recital is on December 1st; I am playing bells in a concert on the eighth and my school concert is on the 15th. Yes, I am very busy, but also very happy. Now, if I could just get some more sleep, I would be perfect! OK, not totally perfect, but close.

Comcast has informed us that they may be able to provide us Internet, so I am excited for that. There are so many things I think about, and say, "Oh, I just go....... wait, I have no Internet." NOT COOL! 

Wishing for Internet (be)for(e) Christmas!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The struggle with the Internet continues......... I guess the next door neighbors can have Internet but we can't???? What is wrong with Internet providers???????

Anyway, I have been very busy, thanks for asking. :) Work, school, piano, homework, unpacking........ and then it repeats over and over again. I am going on a book trip tomorrow which should be fun; especially since my boyfriend is going. :) I am currently at work, and just finished dusting some high end pianos. REALLY high end; one of them was designed by the guy who designed Porsche cars. Amazing, I know. It is kind of freaky cleaning it; you want to be soooooo extra careful and make it look even nicer than it already does.

I have fallen in love with Pintrest. Finally someone invited me! I am totally addicted, but I love it. I am finding some amazing ideas for hair, and wedding plans; and a lot of hilarious stuff too. I love it when you are laughing at something online and everyone around you HAS to come see what is so funny. 

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Pray for my Internet, it REALLY needs it. :)

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Well, we still don't have Internet. :( So, my limited exposure will have to do. Currently I am filling in for one of my co-workers who is sick; and working on a project for my boss. This will be my fourth day working this week, and I generally only work two.

Almost everything has been moved, and now we just have to unpack everything. YIKES! I love my mom dearly, but she seems to think if you are alive and awake you must be working. I am not a huge fan of this concept, because I really enjoy my relaxation time. There is a lot to do, so I understand that, but every time I come home from work, I have more work that must be done. It is a never ending cycle of work, and I want off the ride.

Hopefully, the Internet will be back on soon. Until then, I'll write when I can. :)

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Darn you Internet!

In the process of moving, I am not going to have access to the Internet for a few days. I know, you are asking," How will you survive?" The answer is.... I don't know, but I will try my best. Those of you who didn't ask that question are now asking, "How are you posting this right now if you don't have access to the Internet?" That answer is easier to answer (hahaha); I am at work and I do have Internet access here and at school. THANK THE LORD! OK, I really am not that dependent on the Internet.

So, we are officially all sleeping in the new house. Not everything is moved yet, but all the necessary stuff is. I still have to put my bed together, along with filling my desk drawers, and rearranging some things. The last things to be put up will be my pictures, and hopefully that will be done by Thanksgiving. I am soooooo freaking out about having Thanksgiving at the new house; I want it to look really nice. I am sure that it will be okay, I just want it to be perfect. Yes, I am a control freak! 

I am sooo enjoying Messiah practice on Wednesdays. Our director is great; he is hilarious, but can be very serious as well when he needs to be. If I could just learn my part we would be doing even better. :)

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.