Friday, August 31, 2012

Today was a chill day in which I did nothing. It is my last weekend of freedom before school starts again, and I intend to enjoy it. The pool was great, and I may have increased my tanning chances! I am so fair skinned that I never tan and always burn. It makes life interesting but very painful at the same time. :)
So I get to hang out with my amazing boyfriend tomorrow, and his adorable nephews, and their cute puppies. Life is good.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

There's nothing better than a good gumbo...... well besides chocolate of course. I just love gumbo! I don't care if it is shrimp, chicken or sausage; I haven't met a gumbo I didn't like. Anyways, I actually got to sleep in this morning and it was great. I haven't slept in all week and it was glorious.
So my sister and I are house/dog sitting this weekend for my aunt and uncle, and it is nice to have air again, especially since it is hot and muggy out this week. Their dog, Sage, is a big chocolate lab and she is a great dog. She will follow me into the bathroom and lay on the floor while I do my hair, and she always sleeps on the floor next to my sister or I.
Going to chill poolside tomorrow and work on my tan that doesn't yet exist. :)
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hmmmm..... well, today was..... busy. I did accomplish everything I wanted to get done, I think. Piano lessons all went well, and I got to hang out with the most handsomest man in the world. :) We did receive some bad news today about my boyfriend's brother who is currently over seas with the U.S.Army. He was scheduled to return to the United States this coming week, but now the Army has moved back his arrival time, and he will not be coming home until the following week. This is the second time they have changed the date, but thankfully, their mom has been able to reschedule the hotel they booked and the car rental. I can't wait for him to arrive back in the states; he has been gone since the beginning of this year, and we have missed him so much. Thank the veterans or current members of your military for their fine service. They go through much more than we will ever know, and they do it for our safety. Pray for the safe return of all troops back to their homeland, and support them in their fight for your freedoms.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I feel like I have no life, when in reality I have too much life. I never have time for anything it seems. Like today, I got up and had a meeting at college at 10am; I got out of the meeting and home by 12:30pm. When I got home, I had to change, fix my hair, and then go drop books off at the library, get gas, and pay a bill for my mom. Of course I didn't get home until 2:20pm and had to leave at 2:30 for work. So I left for work, and well, worked. I cleaned pianos for over 3 hours. Literally, I did not know you could sweat while cleaning pianos, but I did. So I got home at 8:15pm and had to eat, put away dishes and return a phone call from one of my piano students. I finally sat down and watched part of a movie with my mom for maybe a half an hour, then I took a shower. After my shower my sister had gotten home from our neighbor's house, and we watched a half an hour of television together. Then I practiced my piano songs for tomorrow, and now I am getting ready for bed, and it is 11:00pm. I will be up again tomorrow with piano lessons at 10am and my own lessons at 1pm. Life is certainly not boring, but it does need some more chocolate.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' (my very busy) Life
April B.

Monday, August 27, 2012

You know you love Christmas when........
1) You write a children's Christmas play...... in August
2) You could listen to Christmas music 24/7
3) You are constantly thinking about what to get your family for Christmas
4) You wait, not so patiently, for Christmas music to come on right after Halloween
5) You make sure everyone you know, knows when Christmas music finally comes on the radio 
6)You enter polls asking when Christmas music should start just so they will maybe start it sooner
7) You don't wait for the rest of the world, but start listening to Christmas music now
8) You wonder how many versions of "All I want for Christmas Is You" are going to come out before they realize the original is always the best
9) You can't wait for the year's first snowfall, so you can make a snowman of course
10) You count down the days until Christmas, way to early
Only 119 days left! WHOOOO!
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I love weekends! I feel so much more relaxed, and have tons of fun. Today I went to the mall with my sister and cousins to celebrate my sissy's birthday. We didn't get to spend tons of time, but we had tons of fun. Of course, we went to Charming Charlie's again; how could we not. We also went to Glitter, and Game Stop for my cousin's brother.
I got to be in the nursery tonight at church, and I had a blast. I love little kids; they are sooooo cute and say the funniest things. One of the little girls calls me 'apple'. I guess she can't say her "R's". I love it!
Busy day tomorrow, and an equally busy week. Back to the daily grind. Happy almost Monday. :)
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Today we celebrated my little sister's 18th birthday, which is actually tomorrow. We had her favorite food: shrimp Alfredo, cheese sticks (the breaded kind) and jalapeno poppers. I decorated with streamers and my first ever tissue paper flowers. I also filled a fish bowl with fake rocks and water, then I put confetti in it. It looked pretty sweet, some of the confetti stayed at the bottom while others floated to the top. The strawberry ice cream cake I made turned out OK too. All in all, i think she had a good time, and enjoyed her presents.The card I got her is hilarious, and i still laugh just thinking about it.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

                                                                 *here is the card*
  *here are the flowers*


Friday, August 24, 2012

The heat is back! Finally, today it feels like summer again. It started to get cold and very rainy around here, but today was b-e-a-utiful, and tomorrow is supposed to be even better. WHOOOO! Along with it being a very nice day, my cleaning job was pretty relaxing as well, and of course, the pool afterwards helped. I also got to go in the speed boat today. It was my first time and it was great; though I had to hold on to my hat, literally. When we first went out we went extremely fast and it was fun, but I thought my book and hat were goners. Thankfully, we slowed down and enjoyed the scenery after that, and I read my book. What can I say, the middle of a beautiful lake on a gorgeous day, with an amazing book....... what could be better????
Speaking of better, I got to see my better half today, and I loved it. ( And him of course:) Even though I saw him on Wednesday, it feels like forever since i saw him last. He always brightens my day and makes everything that seemed to be going horribly wrong, just melt away, and become insignificant. Sigh...........
Enough of that for now, tomorrow I have a full day planned. My dad is going out of town for work on Sunday, and that is my sister's birthday, so we are celebrating tomorrow. I have the task of making the cake, wrapping presents, and decorating. My sister will be gone with my parents most of the day, so I am hoping to get that all done and clean up my room as well, because seriously, my room is a disaster area. No joke, it really looks like a bomb filled with clothes, hair supplies and jewelry went off. Yikes!
Hope everyone has a great weekend; stay safe.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I had a slow and quiet day at work, which in reality wasn't bad, I just got bored after a while. I played the piano a whole lot, and sat around a whole lot more. I did get paid today, so that helped!
I have kind of gotten into a new show called Saving Hope. I guess it's not really new, well, I am not sure when it even started, but hey, I like it. I have always enjoyed the emergency/transplant/doctor dramas, and this one has a great twist on it. With Charlie being in a coma but still seeing what is happening, it puts a new perspective on things. I don't know if I will keep watching or not, but it has me curious now. There is a whole lot of blood and needles though; two things I don't handle well. I end up closing my eyes for half of the show. :)
Tomorrow will be a bit more relaxing, and I may even get to swim. Just a normal cleaning job, and some relaxing by the pool are exactly what I need. Hope you all have a great start to your weekend.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Well, tonight is my night off! That means I am not completely exhausted, only partially. My schedule is so busy now, I don't know how I am even going to attempt college classes in a few weeks. You know you are busy when there is a hamper of clean laundry in your room that has been there for three days; when you still haven't unpacked from a weekend of dog-sitting; and when you don't even bother to put things away when you are done with them, I mean really, the room is already messy, you might as well keep it that way.
So I did get some down-time today, and watched The Lorax with my boyfriend, his nephews, and my sister. It was a cute movie, not may favorite of all time, but there were some pretty good parts. I also got to read a lot today, and that always helps. Hey, I got new glasses today! I just remembered. They are great, but I still have to get used to walking around with them; you know, when you first get glasses and you look down and feel like you are going to fall, well, that happened a lot today. Once I get used to them, they will be fine though.
Well, busy day ahead tomorrow, gotta go to work and play the piano. Life is hard isn't it. :)
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Well, I survived my first day by myself at my new job. Whew! Mission accomplished. It really wasn't bad though; I had a few interesting calls, but mainly it was a quiet night. I got to play the amazing pianos a lot, so I was happy. Bonus for working in a piano store! Cha-ching.

So I literally had one hour between jobs today and all this rushing is giving me a headache. I am so thankful for my precious little relaxing time. What I would do without it........ well, let's just say, it wouldn't be pretty.

So I've decided that I am going to try to eat better and exercise more, because frankly, I need to. I wrote out a list of things that I am not going to eat and things that I need to eat more of, like fruits and veggies. I have given myself one cheat a day, and I think that is all I need. I can do this, I hope. Wish me good luck. :)

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The end of the weekend has come, and the start of a busy week is creeping in on me. I am soooo busy this week, that I hope I have time to eat and sleep! Tomorrow is my first day alone at my new job. Nobody will be there to help me if I mess up, and that is terrifying. I am hoping for an easy first couple of days.

School is also getting closer, and soon I will have to deal with a new job and college classes. Yippee! (That was sarcastic if you were wondering.) So my busy life is, well, busy, but hey, it's better than sitting on my bum all day doing nothing. Well, I think one of those kind of days a week would be nice, but I don't see that in the near future.

So life is good; my boyfriend is amazing, as always; and my family loves me. (At least I think they do.....) Ha, I know they do even if they don't admit it. What's not to love? :)

Hope you had a good weekend; happy almost Monday!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Well, I didn't have access to the Internet yesterday, and it was kind of refreshing. :) I went to see Thomas the Train yesterday with my boyfriend's nephews and had a blast. The boys were so excited and it was contagious. The sound of the train whistle and the smoke coming out of Thomas heightened the excitement even more. The train ride was great, and we took lots of adorable pictures.

I hung out at my boyfriend's house the rest of the day, and then visited my grandparents who are in town for a while. We had hot dogs and s'mores roasted over a fire; nothing better than a good campfire with friends and family.

Today, I house sat for the day, and did absolutely nothing. I love doing nothing after I have had a busy week, and knowing I have an even busier one ahead. I had some amazing hot fudge lava cake though, and it was to die for. It was so hot it almost burned your mouth, but the heat made it even more amazing.

Well, I need my sleep for a long week ahead; have a good rest of the weekend and eat some chocolate for me. :)

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I feel like I keep running and never stop. This right now is my down time; it is also sleep time, so I don't get much down time. :) I had a meeting with the counter staff at my new job today, and it was at nine am. I don't like nine am. I guess I will have to get used to it, because some of my college classes this semester start at.............. 7:30am! Yes, that early. I know it is a horrible hour and who would take such a class, but it is hand bells, and I LOVE hand bells. If it has to do with music I love it, and besides, the sound of the bells wakes you up in the morning. :) So after my meeting, in which I meet a new co-worker named Constantine,( HE is Greek!) I ran errands and went to the gym. Of course, I only spent about a half hour at the gym, because I had to get back home, eat and get ready to go to work at 2pm.

Then long hours of standing, sitting, answering phones, learning stuff I will have forgotten by tomorrow and will need to remember Monday, playing some awesome pianos, etc..... My shift ended at eight, and boy, was I ready to go home! I love my new job, but I was tired and hungry and my feet were beginning to protest.

So now I have an early day again tomorrow, and life goes on; but it is a good life, and I love every minute.

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Busy, busy, busy. Seems like all I do anymore is run around and do things. I would rather be busy than bored though..... So I got to see the puppies again today! They are getting soooooo big, and their eyes are open. I love watching them try to walk and get around; soon they will be getting into everything. They are three weeks old today, and are getting more distinctive markings as they grow. The little runt now has tiny black spots all over his body like his dad who is an English Setter. One of the other puppies is getting a few of these spots as well, and it is so adorable. :) I just love to cuddle them and hold them. I mean really, who can resist a cute little puppy dog face. I know I can't.

So my dad worked on my car's brakes last night, and proceeded to tell me that they may get hot and smoke. Never tell someone their car may start smoking; it's scary! Well, it didn't smoke or get to hot, but it does smell VERY badly. I think it is kind of a sulfur smell, but whatever it is it is not cool. Hopefully the smell will go away soon!

Busy day tomorrow, and I am going to try to squeeze in a workout at the gym. Wish me good luck!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Job.

Well, I started training for my new job today and I am exhausted! I just want to sleep and never be on my feet again. I had fun, but I really need some R&R.

Went to the eye doctor today, and got new lenses and new frames. Man those can get expensive; way to expensive for me at least. Oh well, I need them, so I have to get them.

Lovin' Chocolate (and needing some), Lovin' Life
April B.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Monday! My Monday was very busy, but fun. I had a cleaning job this morning and then helped some friends organized school stuff. My church is starting a school, and we needed to organized the books, papers, flash cards, etc. When I finally got home, I had a pile of dishes waiting for me, and when I say a pile, I mean A PILE! By the time I finished with dishes, it was dinner time, and then I got some relax time. I watched a little television and played around on my laptop for an hour or so; then I went to Dairy Queen! Oh my, the cotton candy blizzard at DQ is A-MA-ZING! Then I organized more school stuff. So now that it is time for me to hit the sack, I have some free time. It always works out that my free time is now sleep time. :)

I was just looking through the blogs I subscribe to, and I found some amazing new books that I am dying to read. I am a book lover; like a crazy book lady or something. I almost always have a book in my hand or one that I am looking for. The library is my second home, and I am in there constantly. I always told my mom when I was little that we needed to move near the library so I could walk there every day and read all day in the air conditioning. :) I prefer romance novels, but I do also love a good mystery. I am not a big sci-fi, or biography person; I like my fiction books way to much. I like old western romances the best; I enjoy modern day books, but there is something about the old times that makes it more romantic for me. I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy, but I can't get enough it seems. You know what also goes great with a good book...........CHOCOLATE! In the winter, it's hot cocoa with a book and blanket; in the summer it's chocolate ice cream with a book out in the sun. No matter what way you slice it, chocolate just can't be beat.

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

So, again, I didn't really do anything today. I just realized I sound like I have a boring life, when in reality, I don't. I do stuff, really.

I had some up rewards from Rite Aid that were expiring today, so I went and got a card for my sister's birthday. It is so hilarious. I would tell you what it says, but she might read this, and it would spoil the surprise. I'll have to upload a pic after her birthday, but it is great. I love the funny cards that sometimes everyone doesn't get, but you and a friend or family member just talked about that same thing; or maybe it applies to your unique situation, and it is totally awesome. Like, people are staring at you in the store because you are laughing so hard at this stupid card, and can't seem to stop. The card isle is always a great pick-me-up. If you are ever feeling sad or depressed, go to a store, find the card isle, and read some of the funny cards. Yeah, even the ones with music. You won't be in a bad mood for long trust me.

I am kind of a card 'freak'. I love cards. Getting cards in the mail, someone handing you a card, even giving them to others; I just love a good card. I have saved all of the cards I have received in the last couple of years, and there are tons. I love to go back through them and read them sometimes; that is also a great mood enhancer. People write about how amazing you are and how proud they are of you; who couldn't be happy about that. Obviously, those people probably don't know you as well as your family. (jk) :) 

Well, I hope you all had  a great weekend. Try not to dread Monday to much!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

So it rained again today, of course. But it didn't rain all day, so it wasn't that bad. Anyways, I had my party today, and not very many people showed up, so I have lots of extra cupcakes. Any takers????
I had also made brownies and Amish friendship cake; so there is an abundance of dessert in my house. That is NOT good. It is way too tempting! I also went out to dinner with my family and some friends, and ate more dessert. It is raining dessert here, and it is pretty awesome.

So, all the dessert has made me sleepy, so I am going to go to sleep. Have a good weekend!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Well, today was another sad, rainy day:( This rain is getting depressing! I want the sun to come back. So today I cleaned with my mom, and then went out into the torrential downpour to go shopping. I wanted to look for some things for my sister's birthday, but didn't end up finding anything. I did get a free travel size lotion from Bath and Body Works signature collection. My favorite would have to be either Secret Wonderland or Be Enchanted. I love them both, and I can't decide which one is better. :)

I started my cupcakes tonight, and they are all baked and cooling in the freezer. I used a dark chocolate Duncan Hines cake mix and it is so good. I will admit that I tried one to make sure they were done. :) Tomorrow I will put the frosting on and maybe some sprinkles! I haven't decided if I am going to use vanilla or cream cheese frosting yet.

Now I am hoping my parents bring me some pizza........... Jet's anyone??

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rain, rain, go away! Now! So, it rained pretty much all day today, and it made me feel like curling up with hot chocolate and a good book. Though, I have read all the books that I have and need to get some more from the library. Anyways, I went grocery shopping with my mom this morning, and that's all I really did today. I bought my sister's birthday presents, and got some things for a party I am having this weekend. I am making cupcakes again, and I will have to take some pics. I love cupcakes!

Literally, I have done nothing today but sit around and watch the Olympics. We are doing awesome!!! Go USA!! I am so happy for our gold in women's soccer, and our gold and silver in women's beach volleyball. :)

Tomorrow won't be as relaxing as today. I have a cleaning job tomorrow that usually takes all day. Hopefully it doesn't rain, and I can go swimming. Then I will start baking tomorrow night for my party. Yeah! I love parties and baking.

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sad Day :(

The best cure for a broken heart is definitely chocolate. Today, I needed some of that and thankfully, tonight I did get some. My wonderful dog, Duchess, died this morning and I am taking it harder than I thought I would. She has slowly been going down hill the last couple of months, but it was hard to tell if she was sick or dying. She didn't eat much this last week, and this morning she passed on. It was so hard watching her take her last breath. I was praying that she would go quietly in the night, so I wouldn't have to see her suffer, but she isn't suffering anymore.

So of course, my need for chocolate and a good cry today was great. As always, when chocolate is needed there is none; but I made up for it with a chocolate extreme blizzard from Dairy Queen. So yeah, it has been a sad day, and I am really going to miss coming home to my dog, playing fetch with her, and yelling at her to stop whining. She lived a great nine years, and she was a good dog. I will miss her lots. :(

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

My little Duchess.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today, I woke up to the sound of children yelling. Not so fun. Then I woke up again, an hour later, to my mom telling me she made pancakes. Hallelujah! I love me some pancakes, and they were good.

So, the kids...... a good friend of ours went to be with her family in another state because her 22 month old niece was diagnosed with cancer. It is so sad that such a little child could have such an horrible disease. So we watched her four oldest kids today while their dad was at work. They really are great kids, but they are VERY busy.

I finally got to see my favorite person in the world today. I haven't seen him since, wait for it....... last Wednesday. UGH! So I finally saw my boyfriend today, and I am soooooo happy. He makes me feel so special, and just kept saying, 'I missed your face', 'You are so beautiful', and 'I missed you so much'. I love him soooo much, He knows just what to say, and when to say it. Love you sweetheart!!!!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Since it is Monday, my family and I went bowling with friends and then on to Dairy Queen. I hit 100 on my first game, but didn't do so well on my second. Dairy Queen was amazing, I had a mini M&M and brownie blizzard. :) It was a great combination, and I really enjoyed it.

I almost died today, I swear. Now it's kind of embarrassing, but I fell off a bike today. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't be falling off of bikes, but I swear it wasn't my fault. So we pulled our bikes out and hosed them down because they were covered in cobwebs; then my sister pumped up the tires, but couldn't get hers to inflate. So, I offered to let her use my bike, and I would use my dad's. Dad is only five inches taller than me but his bike is really high; it has the low handlebars that make you feel like you are lying down, and it isn't what I am used to. Well, I barely got on, but I did, and we started off. I was OK for a while, but then realized that my front tire was going flat. So we went back to the house, and here is where the trouble started. So my tire is flat, the bike is extremely high, and I don't know how I am going to get off. Yeah, I'm sure you can see my dilemma. So, I attempt to get off, and realize that it's not going to happen, so I keep riding up my sidewalk, hoping my mom or sister will help, but no, there are nowhere near, and I can't even touch the ground with my feet. So yeah, I fell off the bike, and then subsequently kicked it. I was soooo mad, and I scratched my leg up a bit. It was no fun at all; I haven't fallen off a bike since I was like six or something.

Anyways, my Monday was interesting, hope yours was too. Stay safe, and don't fall off of a bike.

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Finally, I am home! I love vacations or even weekend trips; but there is nothing like coming home after being gone. I always sleep so well in my own bed the first night back. I feel like I have been gone forever, even though it has only been a short while. We left bright and early this morning to make the long drive home, and I didn't sleep much in the car again, so I am looking forward to sleeping tonight.

The cutest thing happened at my family reunion on Saturday. My sister, who also plays the piano, sat down at an old, out of tune piano in the fellowship hall where we were having our dinner, and started to play. One of my little cousins, who is only two, heard her playing, and immediately went to sit next to her on the piano. It was adorable:) She would play along with my sister and I, or even when we were not playing she would sit down and 'play'. Soooo adorable. I love little kids!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cracker Barrel

So today was my last day on vacation, and I had a great time. We went to Cracker Barrel this morning for breakfast and oh it was awesome. I had buttermilk biscuits with cherries and whip cream. Sooooooo delicious. Then for our family dinner, Cracker Barrel catered. I love their biscuits!!!!!

Anyways, we were shopping in the store at Cracker Barrel, and my mom found the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Emergency Chocolate bars. On the front they say....
For immediate relief of: Chocolate Cravings, Love sickness, Exam Pressure, Mild Anxiety and Extreme Hunger.
Directions for Use: Tear open wrapper, break off desired dosage,and consume. Alternatively massage into affected area. Repeat dosage as required until finished.If symptoms persist consult your local confectioner.
I thought it was sooo cute. I need some of these all around the house, and in my car, and everywhere I go.

Well, I've got to get up early tomorrow to make the eight hour drive home, so I am going to hit the sack. Ta-ta for now! :)

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Friday, August 3, 2012

So, I am on a mini vaca. for a family reunion. Yeah! I love seeing my family from the south, I only get to see them once every two or three years. My dad's biological dad's family is from the south, so here we are with all the fam. :)

Some of us got together tonight and had Pizza Hut pizza. It was sooooo gooooood. But even better was the dessert. CHOCOLATE CAKE! My grandpa took a piece and I joked and said the rest was mine. I told him I would share half with him, but I got the other half. :) He must be where I got my chocoholic tendencies from. Love you grandpa!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

*here is a pic of the cake!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I had a job interview today, and good news...... I got a new job!!!!!! This job  will be an addition to my cleaning jobs, and my piano playing job, along with teaching piano lessons. I will be working at a piano store, taking care of the counter and maybe dusting some REALLY expensive pianos. I am so looking forward to this :) I will go in for training next week or the week after. Yay!

My poor dog may be dying:( She is a chocolate lab, and only nine years old, but she hasn't been eating much the last week, and she is just lying around not wanting to do anything. Now for her, that isn't normal. She loves to play fetch and run, but lately she hasn't been very active. I am sooo sad, because I worry something will happen while we are out of town this weekend.

We leave tomorrow at 5 am. Not looking forward to the early start, but hopefully I will sleep some in the car. We have a family reunion this weekend, and I am looking forward to seeing some family I barely get to see.

I got a new 16 photo collage frame this last week. (I also love photos:) The frame was free, but it was banged up a bit, and needed some TLC. So today, I went an got some black paint and painted the nicks and scratches. It looks so good now! I have another frame almost exactly like it with only 8 photo slots. I am excited to see them together!

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner.

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals, but more often than not I am either to lazy, or to busy to make a nice breakfast in the mornings. So when we have breakfast for dinner, I can enjoy my favorite breakfast foods without rushing or getting up extra early. Sunday night I had an amazing omelett with hash browns at Big Boy; and tonight, I had scrambled eggs and bacon. Yum! I also loooooove pancakes. I like to take a turkey baster and fill it with pancake batter so I can make hearts or different shaped pancakes. It is so much fun!

And despite my love of breakfast, I have a tendency to say it wrong. According to my 'all-knowing' boyfriend, whom I love very much (even though you are reading this and laughing), I say 'breakfass' instead of 'breakfast'. I think I say it just fine, and everyone knows what I am talking about, so there shouldn't be any issues. Oh well, I suppose I can have one flaw, can't I?

Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.