Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I am downstairs on my dad's computer because my computer continues to hate me. Other than that, this has been a great day. I officially have a new phone, and unlimited  talk and text. First time with texting!!!!!!! YAY!!!! So I have kind of gone crazy with the whole ring tone deal, and I have specific ring tones for the people who call me the most. Each one represents them personally, and I enjoyed finding them. My sister, who would die if she could marry either Danny or Steve on Hawaii Five-O, has the theme song from the show of course. My mom, well, she has a smurf ring tone, lets just leave it at that. Dad, I love you but all I could think of was you singing Kim Possible to me as a kid, so his ring tone is her beeper noise. My BF has our theme song "Smile"and my grams has the theme song to NCIS. I'm sure I will get more and assign more to different people, but I had fun with those.
So I volunteered at the school today, and we made these adorable feet penguins. Some of the kids thought they were corny, but others loved them, and so did I so that's all that matters. Work was work and extremely busy at that; but the highlight of my day was seeing the wonderful, amazing BF (the icing on the top was he brought me a present!) Love you!
Oh, and I started a new diet today. It's only a three day on four day off diet, but so far it is going good. Wish me luck there, because one of my weaknesses is definitely food.
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.

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