Monday, December 10, 2012

I am sooooo pumped!!!! I totally aced my final today, and I finished over half of my paper that's due Thursday!!!! Whoooooo! So, I don't have any finals tomorrow, but I am hoping to get some more of my paper done, and study for my big final on Thursday. I really am not worried about my English final, which surprises me, but from what my teacher said, it should be relatively easy.
So I broke down today and brought out the trustworthy college-student-studying-for-finals food....... RAMEN NOODLES!!!! Now, I know that there is a great controversy about how to say said food, but really people, say it like it's spelled. RAY-MEN noodles, not RAH-MEN. Sorry, anyways, I am on page three of five, and I did hit a mental block, but I find that when that happens, I really need to take a break, so I did. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully, I will break through the mental blockage.
Now, I need the sleep that my college friends desperately needed last night. As of this morning, some of them were running on over 36 hours without sleep. Me, I would be passed out dead on the floor, not happening. So, I am hitting the sack, and totally not stressing. :)
Lovin' Chocolate, Lovin' Life
April B.
Personally, I like the beef best; it's not that I don't like the chicken, but my dad raised me on beef, beef, and venison. :)

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